Art from data slides, and why my motto is don't hide...get more

Manictime, center view, 30 in x 14 ft, cut wood, pigment on aluminum shelf, 2014. This is the link to slides for my talk at ITP summer camp at NYU (5mb pdf). Frick_art_from_data_v2

At this moment, data gathering and surveillance feels like it's at the bleakest point. No place to hide and we individuals have no power in this big-data conversation. If we press companies to be socially share the data they collect with us for DATA transparency, we can cause a slow shift of power to the user and shift the equilibrium. Resulting in an ecosystem of apps, that we as users can play with....for example, abstract art and textured wall patterns from our data. Your hidden patterns and data have meaning, and can be the core of understanding who we are. Apps like FRICKbits will start to give artful insight to data about us that we normally ignore.

In the meantime, start tracking yourself and notice what it might say about you. "Don't hide, get more".